Children react differently to divorce. However, many teenagers whose parents are divorcing may share some of the same struggles. Many teenagers’ outward stoicism may be hiding great mental and emotional upheaval on the inside. A family separation can be quite...
Family Law & Divorce
3 useful tips to help parents with kids handle divorce stress
Watching children struggle can be the hardest thing about divorce. Many parents even avoid filing for divorce because they fear that the process could damage their children. Parents who want to reduce the challenges their children experience during divorce typically...
Starting over after divorce when you are a stay-at-home spouse or parent
Divorce can be a life-altering event at any age, but it can feel particularly daunting when you've spent decades building a life as a stay-at-home spouse or parent. Suddenly, facing the prospect of living on your own and securing your financial future can be...
Can you divorce a narcissist without losing your sanity?
Whether you suspect that your spouse is a narcissist or you know it, the end result is the same: There’s no way that a divorce is going to go down smoothly. Your spouse’s sense of entitlement, their limited (or utterly lacking) ability to empathize with others and...
When might a Minnesota judge grant you an HRO?
The state often only prosecutes people when their intimidating or abusive behavior goes too far. You don't need to wait for someone to physically victimize you to take legal action. You can ask the courts to help protect you from misconduct by other parties in certain...
Dividing stock options during divorce
When you’re a business professional, one of the benefits you may have received was stock options. Stock options give you a right to buy your own company’s stock for a set price. The idea is that you can buy these stocks at a set price even in the future, and that’s...
Court of Appeals limits effect of statute severing gifts to a former spouse. Review your estate plan now.
A divorce does not automatically sever provisions of a will leaving assets to an ex-spouse’s heirs according to the Minnesota Court of Appeals decision issued yesterday in the Estate of Mathew Joseph Tomczik, A21-1420 (May 23, 2022). In Tomczik, the deceased, Mathew...
Finding hidden assets during divorce
Even in the best of circumstances, a divorce can quickly become a complicated process. While the elements of a marriage are unique, there are often common factors that can add layers of complexity. From determining a parenting plan to agreeing to future debt...
Is it possible to divide a business in divorce?
While a couple might agree that divorce is the best course of action for both futures, they will still face numerous challenging negotiations through the process. From the division of assets and debts to the determination of support and parenting time, the divorcing...